
For Stammering / Stuttering

Reclaim your confidence, say No to Stammering! Stam is a homeopathic medicine that can cure you from Stammering or Stuttering by healing you from within your body and without causing any side effects or after effects. The course of treatment is of a short duration, and it can help you recover without having to go for other long and expensive treatments.


Speaking is our primary way of communicating with each other and hence one of the most important activities in our life. Some people, though, are deprived of this ability partially or even totally. Speech disorders should be treated with immediate and utmost care.
Stammering, also called stuttering, is a speech disorder that involves interruptions in the flow of speech. These interruptions are called disfluencies. They may involve:

  • Repeating sounds, syllables, or words
  • Stretching out a sound
  • Suddenly stopping in the middle of a syllable or word.

Sometimes, along with Stammering, there may be nodding, rapid blinking, or trembling lips, and it may get worse when you are stressed, excited, or tired. Stammering can be frustrating, because you know exactly what you want to say, but you have trouble saying it. It can make it difficult to communicate with people and cause problems at school, work, and even in relationships. It often takes away the self confidence in you.


There are two main types of Stammering, and they have different causes:

  • Developmental Stammering: This type of stammering is the more common one. It starts in young children while they are still learning speech and language skills. Many children stutter when they first start talking. Most of them will outgrow it. But some continue to stutter, and the exact cause is unknown. There are differences in the brains of people who continue to stutter. Genetics may also play a role, since this type of stuttering can run in families.
  • Neurogenic Stuttering: This type of stammering can happen after someone has a stroke, head trauma, or other type of brain injury. Because the injury can trouble the brain’s ability to coordinate different parts of the brain involved in speech.

STAM can be effective in treating Stammering or Stuttering by healing you from inside yourself and without any side effects or having to go for long and expensive treatments.

Homoeopathic Medicine

First Dose:  Stramonium 10M
Following Doses:  Mag. Phos. 4x


Start with the first dose from the Red Colored Sachet on the first day.
Continue the treatment with the Blue Colored Sachets three times in a day (morning, noon and night) until the completion of the course.

Treatment Duration

Continuous 90 days of medication without skipping any dose is mandatory for proper treatment of the condition and attaining desired results.

Restrictions During Treatment

In order to get the best results out of the treatment, you are required to follow the below directions while taking the medicine:

  1. No other type of homeopathic medicines are allowed along with this treatment course, including those for other diseases by Manakkal Drugs.
  2. Coffee, and Honey are not recommended during the course of this treatment.

This medicine is safe and causes no side effects.

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